Vít Bednárik

Born in Zeleneč, where his theatrical beginnings are based in. Under direction of his mother Rozália and later his brother Jozef Bednárik he performed at the Divadlo Z / Theatre Z, among other plays in the famous Guľôčka.
After a ten years pause he continued in DISK Theater in Trnava where he performed in performances such Geniálna epocha podľa Schulza / Ingenious Epoch According to Schulz and Padesátka / Fifty. From 2003 he works for the SkRAT Theatre.
He often acts in feature films such as Krajinka / Landscape, Útek do Budína / Escape to Buda, Tango s komármi / Mosquitoes' Tango, Nedodržaný sľub / Broken Promise or the upcoming film by Mátyás Prikler Ďakujem, dobre / Thanks, Fine. He played a role of hunter in the short animated film Posledný autobus / The Last Bus, which has collected the awards at prestigious international festivals.
Ľubo Burgr

He studied violin playing at the Conservatoire in Košice and in 1996–1999 composition at the Academy of Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava. In 1985–1990 he played in the Jonáš Záborský Theatre Orchestra in Prešov, in 1986 he and Martin Marinčák founded the band Ali Ibn Rachid which in the 1990s significantly influenced the development of Slovak alternative music, in 1995 he became a member of the ensemble Požoň Sentimental. He composes pieces for orchestra, solo instruments as well as instrumental compositions. He is the composer of the operas Smrť v kuchyni / Death in the Kitchen (2000) and Tête-à-tête (2002), and the author of music and lyrics of many theatre productions. In 1991 he joined the Stoka Theatre as a musician, composer, author of lyrics, singer and actor. In 2000 he and his colleagues founded the Association for Contemporary Opera, accompanied by the activities of the newly founded SkRAT Theatre (2004) in which Burgr works as an author, director, actor and composer.
Lucia Fričová

Petra Fornayová

Graduated from the Faculty of Law at the Comenius University in Bratislava and dance studies at the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, Slovakia. She was a member of modern and contemporary dance groups in Slovakia, now she is a freelance dancer, choreographer, pedagogue, dramaturgist and publicist. Her performances attended e.g. Festival d´Otoño (Madrid), MediaWave (Györ), Divadelná Nitra, or Tanec Praha.
In 1997 she cofounded the Contemporary Dance Association (Asociácia súčasného tanca), since 2011 has been a chairperson. Since 2006 she has organized Nu dance fest.
Daniela Gudabová

Inge Hrubaničová

Studied Slovak language and literature – history at the University of Pavol Jozef Šafárik in Prešov. Since 1988 she lives in Bratislava. She worked as lexicographer in the Philological Institute of Ľudovít Štúr at the Slovak Academy of Sciences (she’s coauthor of Synonymický slovník slovenčiny / A dictionary of synonymical terms of the Slovak language, 1995). She dedicates herself to linguistic revisions of the texts, newspaper and radio journalism. In SME daily she has a column called Slovenčina od slova do slova / Slovak language Word by Word. Since 1991 she has continuously devoted to creation of author theatre (previously in Stoka Theatre, now in SkRAT Theatre). Her theatre texts were published in the collective books Divadlo Stoka: Eo ipso, Komora, Kolaps / Stoka Theatre: Eo ipso, Chamber, Collapse (1997); Divadlo SkRAT. Hry 2003 – 2006 / SkRAT Theatre. Plays 2003 – 2006 (2007). She debuted separately with the book Láska ide cez žalúďok / Love Runs through the Abdomen (the typographical mistake is on purpose in the Slovak original). The book was nominated for a prize Anasoft litera 2008 and Bibliotéka 2008.
Milan Chalmovský

Romana Maliti

Graduated from theatre studies at VŠMU (Academy of Music and Dramatic Arts) and cultural anthropology at Philosophical Faculty of Commenius University in Bratislava. From 2001 she worked as project manager for different institutions and project in the field of theatre (The Theatre Institute, Košice – ECOC 2013, International Theatre Festival Divadelná Nitra). She also acts as theatre critic, translator of contemporary theatre plays from Russian (Mukhina, Vyrypaev, Klavdiev etc.) and theatre dramaturgy (in cooperation with director Marián Amsler in the Theatre Aréna and Slovak National Theatre in Bratislava). As actress she performed in theatre productions at the AMDA (The Madman and the Nun, dir. by P. Nagy), in the Studio 12 (Tanya-Tanya, dir. by M. Amsler; Katka Krátka doesn´t work here anymore, dir. by J. Šimko), Theatre YSTFUD (Exit East, dir. by Ľ. Burgr and D. Vicen) and theatre SkRAT (Buggers and Suckers, dir. by D. Vicen).
Danica Matušová

Jana Oľhová

She graduated from the Academy of Performing Arts in Bratislava, dramatic art major. Since 1988 she has been a member of the Slovak Chamber Theatre in Martin. She is a teacher at the Film and Drama School of the Academy of Performing Arts in Banská Bystrica as well as at the Conservatorium in Žilina. She cooperates with Municipal Theater in Žilina. Since 2012 she has been a member of the Slovak National Theatre.
She was awarded the prizes Dosky (2009, Mobil) and Tatra banka Foundation Art Award (2010, Mizantrop) for her theatre roles. In 2008 she gained Slovak national film award Slnko v sieti for best actress in a supporting role (film Muzika) and in 2014 in the same category for film Ďakujem, dobre.
Zuzana Piussi

Since 1992, she has worked for the Stoka theatre as an actress and stage and costume designer. In 1999, she wrote her own theatre show titled Módna prehliadka, enlisting the cooperation of Ľubo Burgr and Inge Hrubaničová. In 2000 she cofounded the Association for Contemporary Opera, later SkRAT theatre. She wrote the libretti for the operas John King (2001) and Tete-a-tete (2002) and was also responsible for costumes and stage design. Further performances in SkRAT theatre, she took a role: Hrádza, Okná, brehy, pozostalosti, Údel, Smrť v kuchyni, Čo bude zajtra, Morča, Paranoja, Narodeniny and Zvyšky.
In 2005, she graduated from Film and Television Faculty at the Academy of Music and Performing Arts in Bratislava. Her first documentary film Výmet was awarded the Main Prize at the IFF Beirut in 2003. In 2011, her political documentary Nemoc tretej moci (Disease of the Third Power) about black holes in the Slovak judiciary system and about the state of law in Slovakia was premiered. In 2012, she released 3 documentary feature films: Od Fica do Fica, Muži revolúcie (Men of the Revolution) and Krehká identita (Fragile Identity).
Dušan Vicen

Graduated from the Faculty of Pedagogy of Matej Bel University (UMB) in Banská Bystrica and in 2001 from the Academy of Music and Performing Arts (VŠMU) in Bratislava where he studied theatre directing. As a director, author and occasional actor he co-operates with several theatre ensembles – mainly with the amateur theatre company Disk in Trnava (from 1993) and the independent SkRAT Theatre in Bratislava. He's a double winner of Alfréd Radok Prize for the best Czech and Slovak theatre play (in 2002 – the 1st place: ... pohlaď psa...; in 2004 – 3rd place: Siluet b moll). He wrote several radio plays: Bezvýznamný príbeh / The Unimportant Story, Nechcite ma rozplakať / Don’t Make Me Cry, Potrét zabitého / A Portrait of the Dead, Nahrávačky / Recordings (Drama 2008, Slovak Radio Prize) and a book of short stories Homo joga (oravské itinerárium) / Homo Yoga (Itinerary from Orava) for which he got the premium of Ivan Krasko Prize. In 2013, Slovak Theatre Institute published his Plays. He works as a director and author of theatre plays.
Stanislava Vlčeková

An independent choreographer, dancer, teacher.
After the Dance Conservatory of J. L. Bella in Banská Bystrica she graduated at the Faculty of Music and Dance of the University Of Performing Arts in Bratislava. She worked with many great national and international choreographers and directors. In 2006 she was nominated for Philip Morris competition Kvet Baletu. She has been a member of a physical theatre Debris Company since 2006, theatre SKRAT and has cooperated with the alternative theatre elledanse, Bratislava. In the year 2009 she was awarded by TAOS price for as the best contemporary dance personality for the season 2008/2009.
Vlado Zboroň

He studied at the Faculty of Theology in Bratislava for six semesters (1984–1987). In 1991 - 2000 he acted at the Stoka Theatre as an actor and co-author of a number of productions, from 2000 he collaborated with the Association for Contemporary Opera, a Free Group on spectacles Okná brehy pozostalosti / Windows Shores of Inheritance, Smrť v kuchyni / The Death in the Kitchen. In 2003–2004 he gave guest performances at the amateur theatre Disk in Trnava. In 2003 he took part in the J 10 Project – Stredná Európa ťa miluje / Central Europe Loves You as a co-author. In 2005 he, Anna Grusková and Ingrid Hrubaničová established the Self-Supporting Art Team within which they produced the drama Nýmandi a nymfomani / The Nobodies and Nymphomaniacs as a film production. From 2004 he works for the SkRAT Theatre as a co-author and actor.