Central Europe Loves You

Concept and directed by Dušan Vicen
Co-authors and actors Vito Bednárik, Inge Hrubaničová, Vlado Zboroň, Dušan Vicen 
The script was created by recording improvised dialogues on a magnetic tape. The text was created by a group of artists the author of the scene Dinner is Inge Hrubaničová, the authors of the scene Marriage conversation are Vlado Zboroň and Inge Hrubaničová.
Music cooperation Marek Piaček, Boris Lenko, soundtrack by Andrea Bocelli and Indira Radić arranged by Marek Piaček for the brass quintet
Music recorded by Slovak Brass Quintet
Scenic realization Dušan Vicen and collective

“Crazy ride into the darkest depths of the Central-european soul.”

A classically avantard, apolitically-political, folkly-brutal, pseudo-intellectual comedy, which expresses doubts and at the same time confirmations of the existence of something which tends to be addressed as a Central-european cultural context. 

Project was supported by Ministry of Culture of the Slovak Republic.
With the material support of: Copex, theatre company Disk Trnava, Ivana Semjanová, Peter Kozmon and Vlado Zboroň
Acknowledgements: Peter Víťaz, Andrej Slezák

Premiere: 2004, J10, Bratislava
Length: 120 min.


Divadelná Nitra 2004
Víkend atraktívneho divadla 2004, Zvolen
Skrat ve skratce 2008, Alfred ve dvoře, Prague, Czech Republic
Fléda 2008, Brno, Czech Republic
Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, 2009
Dny slovenské kultury 2010, České Budějovice, Czech Republic
ANTÉNA na vodě 2013, (A)VOID Floating Gallery & Café / Náplavka, Prague, Czech Republic
HaDivadlo, Brno, November 5, 2013
Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, March 19, 2014
Záhrada – Centrum nezávislej kultúry, Banská Bystrica, May 6, 2014