A Guinea Pig

Co-authors and actors textov Ľubo Burgr, Zuzana Piussi, Petra Fornayová, Milan Chalmovský (previously Mark Lovas)
Music and directed by Ľubo Burgr

Guinea pig is an ideal symbol of something which has to be fed. In return this piece of absurd life will spin endlessly in the wheel, reminding a happy owner his own movement in the vicious circle. Shall we love it, just for the sake of treating it nicely? Or kill it? Who  emotionally blackmails whom? The part, which gave the name to the whole theatrical collage, is dominated by an irreproducible, blue sweatpants wearing Burgr’s man without future. There’s no need to let the cat out of the bag to enjoy him when the right time comes in the play.

Premiere: December 10th, 2003, Stoka Theatre
Length: 90 min.


Nová dráma/New Drama 2005, Bratislava
Ars poetica 2005, Bratislava
Fléda 2008, Brno, Czech Republic